In November 1926 the then Warden, the Rev. A.E. Scipio, returning from furlough in England, brought back with him four members to join the S.P.G. Teaching Brotherhood of St. Peter. These young men were: John Nevill Marcon from Oriel College, Oxford afterwards ordained to be Curate of Chingford, Essex, subsequently a Vicar at Eastbourne but now retired, Harold Edward Hazell, also to be ordained later and whose last appointment was that of Principal of Sanawar School, but now deceased, George Proctor Hall who brought with him much useful experience in the Scouting world and who took over command of the 'Cottons' contingent of the then A.F.I. (Auxiliary Force of India) a territorial body much like the corresponding O.T.C. (Officers Training Corps) then found in schools in England. The fourth was myself, fresh from music studies in London at Trinity College, and Southwark Cathedral.

This addition of members brought the numbers of the St. Peter's Brotherhood up to seven, the other two, already at the School, being the unforgettable Alfred Haynes and Patrick O’Doherty (an O.C) So, arriving in Bombay, we had our first glimpses of the Gateway of India and that fine city. After staying overnight there we were on the train the next day bound for Bangalore City Station and “Cottons”. I recall that a fellow passenger was a Mr. Yates, then Inspector of Schools in Bangalore and who lived in rooms at St. Joseph’s College, a keen musician who founded the local branch of the British Music Society. His successors during my time at Cottons were to be another musician, Frank Edmonds, and Mr. M. S. H. Thompson. All three men were highly respected and maintained what I now know to have been very high academic standards in the area.

Mr. Haynes had often been acting Warden and had organized a wonderful welcome for the returning Warden the Rev. Albert Scipio. We entered the School gates in St. Mark's Road to see the whole School including the Cadet Corps and Scouts lining the approach to the Tower Building. I well recall the tumultuous cheering and evident pleasure of this welcome.

Later, we were to meet other members of the Teaching Staff the ever-cheerful Mr. Gill (Science Master) Messrs. Edwards and Cragg, Reginald Coombes, who had already established fine music making at Cottons, William Prager and Alan Gaudoin, both O.C.S. and who, as we were to discover, were responsible for a very high standard of games and athletics at the School and of course the Bursar Mr. O'Hara.

I must not forget to mention the friendly help of members of the Domestic Staff. The School Steward, Mr. Courtney, who lived in the Lodge near the School gates, showed us to our living quarters. Mine were upstairs in a building at the back of the kitchen with the carpenter's shop below. I also remember other good souls: Arigaswamy, the peon, the bearers, Kula and 'Sausage', the cheerful carpenter and Mr. O’Hara’s assistant, the writer, Ramaswamy Rao, almost loyal to the School.

Altogether a great warmth of friendship was extended to us and it did not take me many days to realize I had become a member of a School of fine traditions, excellent administration and academic standards. I found 'Cottons' to be well equipped with buildings and grounds.

Of the buildings the chapel held a special interest for me. At the time it housed a small but useful pipe organ built by Harry Bros., Calcutta. It was on this instrument that the first musical boy I discovered at 'Cottons' delighted to play. His name was Richard (?) Peck, who hailed, I think, from Calcutta. This organ was later to be replaced by a Hammond electronic one. The musical boys to come later included Raja Ramanna, now so eminent in public life, Trevor Chapman and Hans Stern, both clarinettists in the School Orchestra we formed.

So, began for me twenty most happy years of association with 'Cottons'. I served under three Wardens" The Rev. A.E. Scipio who developed the administration and daily routine, the Rev. R. J. Hodges who, in a lamentably short period, strengthened the spiritual and character training sides of the school life and lastly Canon W. Elphick who not only had his two predecessors’ qualities but also raised academic standards to an amazing level. He also stressed the needs of financial stability and additional buildings. I have always counted it a privilege to have known and served under these three men, three great men in the history of 'Cottons', and I hope that these early memories of mine may serve to fortify those who at present direct the life of the School. To me 'Cottons' was blessed in that it had a habit of attracting good and worthy men to its service and I am sure this blessing continues.
By Maurice Lanyon (June 1981)

Excerpts from The Blaze of Glory
IInd Edition 1991